When I speak to Claudine and Honza of Yoga Beyond it doesn’t take me long to realise that are on to something, not only with their brilliant ACROVINYASA™ yoga concept, but also with their envy inducing lifestyle. Having met in New York they currently called Sydney home but spend much of heir time travelling the world teaching yoga. Form classes, to special events, workshops and teacher trainings they have amassed a huge and loyal following.
MAY 2016
Can you tell me about yourselves, who are you and what do you do? Claudine: “We have both always been active, happy and healthy people. My upbringing consisted of lots of travel and adventure. My parents instilled in me an openness and confidence that allowed me to believe that anything is possible. Honza grew up on a farm in the Czech Republic, spending many hours playing with animals and connecting with nature. We have both become very free spirited and grounded people which enabled us to connect with a great deal of ease.’ Since meeting eight years ago, we have explored many different endeavours but what has made the most sense was to find a way in which we could work together and earn a living whilst traveling the world. In choosing to do this and ‘follow our bliss’ as we often say we have inspired many others to ‘follow their own bliss’. We have been working together for over two years and it has been a blissed and blessed ride so far. We love all forms of movement and were driven to create something that fused the elements of the things we love most: vinyasa yoga, inversion training and acroyoga. We spent countless hours exploring how we could blend these elements together and have found a very successful way to do so. We’re thrilled to share that we have taught our first booked out teacher training in Bali this past March and will do two more this year.”
When and how did you first get into yoga? Honza: “My yoga journey began with meditation. I began to ask myself the larger existential life questions that most of us ask ourselves at some point… why am I here and what is life really all about? After delving into a regular and deep period with meditation, I started exploring the physical practice of asana. I have had a personal training business for over 15 years which greatly contributed to my understanding of the human body and how to move with ease. Granted, there was still a massive learning curve. It was a whole new experience to what I had been doing previously but I absolutely loved it and have never looked back ever since!
Do you remember what getting into yoga was like? Could you touch your toes? Claudine: “To be honest, I have always been flexible so I took to yoga like a fish to water. I always acknowledge that there is more to learn, like alignment, integration and strength but at the beginning my strongest imprint of the world of yoga, was sheer wonderment!”
What kept you coming back to your mats? Claudine: “I used to party pretty heavily in college and when I dedicated to a regular yoga practice, I started to feel a shift in my breath, my energy and my interests. I became much more interested in my physical practice than in having another drink or getting high. I discovered that I could get ‘high’ on my breath. “
How does yoga fit into your everyday lives? We practice yoga on and off the mat every day. We both see the work that we do on our mat as a tool to embrace the challenges and joys that come your way in every day life.
Can you tell me where you get inspiration for your classes and practice? Honza: “Inspiration is all around us. I find content and ideas for classes in the conversations that I have and the way in which I see the world around me. If I see a beautiful sunset, it will evoke beautiful thoughts which I will bring into class. I’m also inspired by the global yoga community. We are all lifelong students so wherever I can, I will practice and study with other teachers to gain more knowledge, wisdom and inspiration.
What do you hope people will take away from attending your classes? Honza: “My greatest hope is that people walk away from our classes feeling that anything is possible. When we are in control of our feelings and emotions, we can choose to literally rip our reality into being. We always aim to support students where they’re at and encourage them to reach for greatness because its there, just waiting to be unveiled. I’d like to share one of my favorite quotes that sums up this belief: “Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life’s coming attraction.” Albert Einstein
Can you tell us more about your new (ish) venture ACROVINYASA™ it sounds really interesting, what is that all about? “Our intention is to inspire playfulness and community, as we teach adults how to reconnect with the child within. We are all searching for deeper connection and our goals are based strongly around encouraging this opportunity to connect the global community. ACROVINYASA™ takes yoga from earth to air. Uniting elements of vinyasa, acroyoga and inversion training, this practice cultivates trust and community in a powerful way. The core of ACROVINYASA™ is focused on synchronizing breath in movement, building strength and finding balance. Inspired by traditional yoga asanas and L-based acrobatic flying, this progressive yoga system includes both solo and partner practice. The aerial part revolves around one partner (the base) supporting the other (the flyer) in flying through the air in a sequenced series of yoga postures. Bringing a refreshingly playful approach to an ancient tradition, ACROVINYASA™ feels more like a dance with gravity than physical excercise. Getting inverted with a partner is very empowering especially for people who may be fearful of supporting or being supported by others.
The necessary component for students learning the practice for the first time is the role of a spotter, who makes sure both base and flyer stay safe and properly aligned. The base lies flat on their back supporting the flyer's weight with extended legs and arms. When students learn proper stacking (vertical bone alignment), they can start balancing more than just their own weight. Regular practice and proper technique allows even a smaller person to skilfully base a larger flyer. This practice derives techniques from traditional yoga streams with the intent to build meaningful human connection within a global community. Learning to trust, clearly communicate and give & receive are some of the deeper benefits. In short, ACROVINYASA™ offers a dynamic expansion beyond your solo practice.
We have systematically organised this practice into two flows LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 consisting of 180 postures (90 yoga and 90 acro). We share the practice not only in classes and workshops around the world, but also with our global online community through our daily #ACROVINYASA Instagram Challenge. Follow us on Instagram @YogaBeyond and @ACROVINYASA and join in on the fun!”
There can be a fine line between yoga and other sports such as gymnastics and acrobatics, what do you think makes yoga different? “Our practice in particular is designed to bridge the gap between the world of yoga and L-based flying in acrobatics. Within the world of yoga there is a greater connection to breath and meditation, therefore to consciousness and compassionate connections. Both practices are about working on the individual to be a stronger part of a team or community so the two practices compliment each other in a beautiful way.”
It’s pretty daunting for a beginner to see all of the crazy yoga Instagrammers in weird pretzel shapes and impossible looking balances, right? What would you say to someone who’s put off by this? “This practice is accessible to everyone! We have intentionally designed sequences that allow any body to experience ACROVINYASA™. We would encourage anyone to start with the basics and explore more from there. We never know what is possible until we try!”
Outside of yoga what do you both love to do? “We love to travel obviously! Claudine is passionate about good food so whenever we are home, she loves to cook and create the most amazing meals! Honza is an incredible artist. He has created some magnificent, colorful pieces of art which adorn our Sydney home and more recently his art skills have moved into the digital world of social media. We both love to dance, explore the great outdoors and indulge in self care whenever we can, but above all, we love making love.”
What’s the one question you always wish people would ask you, and what is your answer to it? “What is your secret to happiness? BE KIND TO YOURSELF and in turn be KIND TO OTHERS.”